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Dan's Story

Dan Dan

Meet Dan

For the past two years I’ve attended Tackle It and I believe getting help with your mental health is extremely important. It can affect your everyday life and could get even worse if you try and ignore it.

For a long time I was too nervous to go up to anyone and ask for help, I couldn’t go out much, I couldn’t deal with crowds, and I was in a bad place at times.

I used to walk with my head down, now I stand a bit taller and straighter and walk a bit prouder.

Jacob O’Keefe, Wellbeing Officer at Derby County Community Trust, added:

“He has shown great commitment and resilience and we could not be prouder of his journey and where he is now. We hope in the future as he turns 18 he can volunteer on the programme to help support other young people like himself.

“A special mention also should go to his mum as well, she has supported him all the way through and has been fantastic.”

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